Press Coverage
Some of the press coverage that HHSY has received over the years. For the most recent coverage, visit one of our social media platforms.
Telling the Yukon’s untold stories
The Hidden Histories Society shines light on the overlooked people and events that contributed to building the Yukon.
History Hunter: Exploring Yukon’s Hidden Histories
For two decades, the Hidden Histories Society of Yukon has been a small but very active group who have all contributed their skills, knowledge and passion to increase awareness of the numerous ethnocultural communities embedded within Yukon history.
When Curiosity Unveils Compelling Stories
Hidden Histories Society Yukon uncovers, commemorates, and celebrates the territory’s racialized voices.
Remembering the intrepid, courageous Lucille Hunter
She arrived in Yukon alongside thousands of others, all making their way to the Klondike in 1898 in search of gold.
Article by Elyn Jones, CBC North - February 2021.
Mois de l’histoire des Noirs.es : célébrer pour sensibiliser
Le Mois de l’histoire des Noir.es, tenu en février, est l’occasion de célébrer la riche culture de la communauté noire à travers le pays.
Article by Laurie Trottier, L’Aurore boréale - February 2021
Recognizing Black history in the Yukon
Yukon’s Hidden Histories Society is entering its twentieth year of researching Black history in the territory.
Article by Gabriella Plonka, Yukon News - February 2021
Retracer l’histoire des Noirs afin de mieux la célébrer
À la retraite depuis quelques années, Peggy d’Orsay ne peut se résoudre à tourner la page et poursuit inlassablement ses recherches sur les groupes ethnoculturels du territoire, dont l’histoire est beaucoup plus riche qu’on pourrait le croire.
Article by Laurie Trottier, L’Aurore boréale - February 2021